We know we need it. Most of the time, we don’t want to talk about it. It’s both boring and confusing at the same time. We need help making an informed purchase and don’t know where to find it. What are we talking about? Life Insurance, of course.
Let’s start in the beginning with the “Why.” Below is a great list of reasons for purchasing life insurance. Take a moment to see how many of the reasons below are important to you and your family.
Why People Buy Life Insurance
For the Death Benefit:
As a Disciplined Savings Program*:
To help pay for educational costs
To supplement retirement income
To take advantage of business opportunities
For financial emergencies
Because of the Risk of Waiting:
For the Tax Advantages:
Death proceeds are received free of income tax
Cash value accumulations are tax deferred
Cash value loans or withdrawals* are free of tax, as long as the policy stays in force
Accelerated death benefits are received free of income tax
In Recognition of Personal Responsibility to:
Mortgage company
For the Flexibility:
Benefits may be available regardless of whether the policyowner lives, quits, dies or becomes disabled
Life insurance is portable; benefits are not lost due to job changes
* Withdrawals and loans will reduce the policy’s death benefit and cash value available for use
Now that you have made a list of all the really good reasons to buy life insurance, the next challenge is which policy to buy. Your questions probably include:
How much coverage do I need?
How do I choose the right type of policy to meet my needs?
What about the length of term?
And those questions are just for starters. Now is a great time to click here to see Dean and Draper’s web page describing your choices – Term Life, Whole Life, Universal Life, and Variable Universal Life. Still sounds confusing? Fill out the “Get a Quote” form. We will carefully listen to your concerns and make sure you find the ideal policy for your situation.
Dean & Draper is a Trusted Choice insurance agency representing over 200 insurance companies. For over 35 years we have offered a trusted freedom of choice to our clients. Contact Us.