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Hurricane Preparedness


We're here to help protect you before, during and after a natural disaster.


Here's a quick view of what to do if a natural disaster hits.





Stay informed and help protect your family, pets and belongings.


Know the difference between a watch and a warning.


  • Hurricane watch: Conditions are a threat within 48 hours.
  • Hurricane warning: Conditions are expected within 36 hours.

Be ready to react.

To protect your roof, close all windows and doors including interior, exterior and garage doors. If a window or door is broken or blown open, the home could fill rapidly with air. Cover your windows with storm shutters or plywood.


Know what to do inside.

If trapped in a flooded building, move to the highest level of the building. Don't climb into a closed attic.

When only experiencing high winds, go to a designated storm shelter or a windowless room or hallway on the lowest floor.

Learn About More Ways to Stay Safe at Home 

We have advice to help you safely prepare, evacuate, and shelter for severe storms while protecting yourself and others from COVID-19. Click here for additional tips to help you and your family stay safe during hurricane season this year.